California Mathmatics, Science and Computer Science Professional Learning Grant

CAL-MSCS Program Vision

The CAL-MSCS program’s overarching vision is to ensure that every California educator experiences the professional learning and support necessary to provide high-quality mathematics, science, and computer science education for all students in the state. CAL-MSCS aims to achieve this vision by cultivating statewide communities of practice, providing guidance and support for local teams to build responsive, professional learning systems at the county or regional level, and facilitating coordination with other statewide initiatives in TK-12 mathematics, science, and computer science education.

What's New

CAL-MSCS Overview and Goals

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CAL-MSCS Layers of Leadership

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CAL-MSCS: Goals & Assembly Bill


CAL-MSCS Asset Mapping and Year 1 Milestones


Lead COE Partners

San Joaquin County Office of Education logo

Fiscal & Science Lead

Jane Chamberlain

Deputy Superintendent
Professional Learning and Support

Santa Barbara County Education Office logo

Mathematics Lead

Ellen Barger

Associate Superintendent
Educational Services

Monterey County Office of Education logo

Computer Science Lead

Dr. Caryn Lewis

Assistant Superintendent
Educational Services

Key Support

Funding for the CAL-MSCS Partnership is provided by a state grant from the California Department of Education. We are also thankful to the following partnership organizations.

  • California Department of Education logo
  • California Science Project logo
  • California Mathematics Project logo
  • UCLA Computer Science Equity Project logo
  • WestEd logo


CAL-MSCS Leadership Team

CAL-MSCS Fiscal Team