California Mathmatics, Science and Computer Science Professional Learning Grant
COE Teams

COE Resources

Each COE has a designated folder for developing resources and action plans.

*Only those collaborators with access to the folder will be able to view the files.

COE Folders

Save the Dates!

Please save the dates for our different CAL-MSCS statewide community of practice convenings. Each content area will host multiple opportunities for representatives from the 58 Local Implementation Teams to gather, learn, and collaborate with our CAL-MSCS Steering Teams and Leadership Coalitions.

Fiscal Office Hours 6/17/24

Thank you for joining us for the overview of the CAL-MSCS Fiscal Reporting Documents and 24-25 Budget Template. If you have any questions or need additional support, please reach out to our team at

Teams should anticipate their specific reporting document and budget template emailed out by the end of June.

Quarter 4 Fiscal Report due by July 10th

24-25 Budget due by July 31st

Office Hour SlidesFiscal FAQWatch Fiscal Office Hours 6-17-24

Action Plan B Workshop Recordings

Using Data to Create Measurable Goals  5/16/24

Using Data to Create Measurable Goals 5/16/24

Building Local Implementation Teams  5/6/24

Building Local Implementation Teams 5/6/24

Supporting Rural & Remote Teams  5/1/24

Supporting Rural & Remote Teams 5/1/24

Supporting Rural & Remote Teams  4/24/24

Supporting Rural & Remote Teams 4/24/24

Action Plan Resources

*Editable templates for each COE are available within your Google Folder

Action Plan B Guide & Template

Action Plan B is a second step in the iterative process CAL-MSCS is taking to improve California’s professional learning systems, by having each County Office of Education reflect on their current systems and determine improvement goals to work on over the granting period in collaboration with local partners. This Action Plan B Guidelines document provides guidance for COE teams to engage in the reflection. The submission template is where COE teams should fill in their responses for submission on or before June 30, in Word or Google doc format.

Action Plan B GuidelinesGeneric Action Plan B Template

Additional References

CAL-MSCS Timeline

Learning About CAL-MSCS

Sep - Oct, 2023

COE leaders and partners learn about CAL-MSCS via webinars, overview documents, and messaging from local superintendents.

Reflection & Feedback

Nov 2023 - Feb 2024

COE leaders and partners begin initial asset-mapping work and meet with CAL-MSCS leadership teams for coaching(as needed).

Action Plan A

By Jan 31, 2024

COE leaders and partners submit Action Plan A and meet with CAL-MSCS leadership teams upon submission. Budgets (through June 30, 2024) aligned to Action Plan A are due.

Alignment & Goal Setting

Jan - Jun 2024

Locally: COE leaders and partners continue to gather information, align and reflect upon assets, and build local implementation teams.
Statewide: CAL-MSCS leadership teams provide supportive coaching and programming, informed by Action Plan A submissions.

Action Plan B

By Jun 30, 2024

COE leaders and partners complete and submit Action Plan B and meet with CAL-MSCS leadership teams upon submission. Budgets for the 2024-2025 year are due.